Das berichtet das Medienmagazins DWDL.de. Alex Green, Geschäftsführer Prime Video Sport Europa, bestätigte gegenüber dem Medienmagazin: "Wir freuen uns auf die UEFA Champions League, einen der prestigeträchtigsten Club-Wettbewerbe der Welt."
Es sind nicht die ersten Sportrechte für Amazon: Seit 2017 besitzt man in Deutschland die Audio-Übertragungsrechte an der Fußball-Bundesliga und in Großbritannien zeigt Prime Video seit 2018 die US Open sowie zahlreiche ATP-Turniere und überträgt seit dieser Saison auch 20 Premiere League-Partien live. Der Erwerb der Champions League-Übertragungsrechte befeuert Spekulationen, wonach sich Amazon imn 2020 auch für die Ausschreibung der Bundesliga-Übertragungsrechte interessieren könnte, die ebenfalls ab der Saison 2021/22 neu vergeben werden. pm, ots
English version
With the 2021/22 football season, the Amazon Prime Video streaming service will also enter live sports broadcasting in Germany. Amazon has won the UEFA rights award for the A1 package, which includes broadcasting the top matches on Tuesday evening.
This was reported by the media magazine DWDL.de. Alex Green, Managing Director of Prime Video Sport Europa, confirmed to the media magazine: "We are looking forward to the UEFA Champions League, one of the most prestigious club competitions in the world".
They are not the first sports rights for Amazon: Since 2017, Prime Video has owned the audio broadcasting rights to the German Soccer League in Germany and has been showing the US Open and numerous ATP tournaments in Great Britain since last year. Since this season, Prime Video has also been broadcasting 20 Premiere League matches live. The acquisition of the Champions League broadcasting rights fuels speculation that Amazon could also be interested in the invitation to tender for the Bundesliga broadcasting rights in 2020, which will also be newly awarded from the 2021/22 season. pm, ots, mei