Auch US-Präsident Trump drückte auf Twitter seine Trauer aus und bedauerte diese schreckliche Nachricht. Beileidskundgebungen für Bryant gaben es an vielen Orten in den USA. So sei die amerikanischen Profiliga NBA nach dem Tod des 41-Jährige am Boden zerstört, hieß es. Bryant, so amerikanische Medien, war zu einem Basketballturnier in der Nähe von Los Angeles unterwegs, als der Hubschrauber bei nebligen Wetter abstürzte und in Flammen aufging. mei
English version
Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers basketball superstar, was killed in a helicopter crash in California on Sunday. According to the police, seven other people were killed in the crash besides Bryant and his daughter.
US President Trump also expressed his sorrow on Twitter and regretted this terrible news. There were condolence rallies for Bryant in many places in the USA. For example, the American
professional league NBA was devastated after the death of the 41-year-old, it was said. Bryant, according to the American media, was on his way to a basketball tournament near Los Angeles when
the helicopter crashed in foggy weather and burst into flames. mei