"Die Entscheidung von Frau Kramp-Karrenbauer hat nichts mit der SPD und vermutlich einiges mit den Verwerfungen zu tun, die es bei FDP und CDU nach dem Debakel von Erfurt gibt", sagte Stegner der Düsseldorfer "Rheinischen Post".
"Insofern glaube ich kaum, dass dies die Koalition in Berlin berührt. Die Kanzlerin wirkt ja eher stabil", so der frühere SPD-Vizevorsitzende. Er warnte vor diesem Hintergrund die CDU jedoch vor einem Rechtsruck. "Sollte die Union allerdings unter neuer Führung wider Erwarten nach rechts rücken und ihr Verhältnis zur AfD 'normalisieren', wäre das natürlich gänzlich anders", sagte Stegner.
pm, ots
English version
Following CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer's announcement that she will not run for chancellorship and chairmanship, Ralf Stegner, head of the SPD parliamentary group in the state parliament of Schleswig-Holstein, does not see any consequences for the grand coalition at federal level.
"Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer's decision has nothing to do with the SPD and probably a lot to do with the upheavals that the FDP and CDU are experiencing after the debacle in Erfurt," Stegner told the Düsseldorf-based newspaper "Rheinische Post".
"In this respect, I hardly believe that this affects the coalition in Berlin. After all, the Chancellor seems rather stable", the former SPD vice-chairman said. Against this background, however, he warned the CDU against a shift to the right. "If, however, the CDU/CSU were to move to the right under new leadership, contrary to expectations, and 'normalize' its relationship with the AfD, that would of course be completely different," said Stegner. pm, ots, mei