Der Bau- und Immobilienunternehmer Sanz war zwischen 1995 und 2000 Chef bei den Blancas. Unter seiner Ägide wurde Real zweimal Champions-League-Gewinner und einmal Landesmeister.
Der 76-jährige Sanz galt als gesundheitlich angeschlagen, als er vor wenigen Tagen auf die Intensivstadion eines Madrider Krankenhaus kam, weil er sich mit dem Coronavirus infiziert hatte. mei
English version
Spain is known to be one of the countries most affected by coronavirus. Now the former president of Real Madrid, Lorenzo Sanz, who had been infected with the new lung disease Covid-19, died, and the building and real estate entrepreneur Sanz was head of the Blancas between 1995 and 2000. Under his aegis, Real became two Champions League winners and one national champion.
The 76-year-old Sanz was considered to be in poor health when he came to the intensive care stadium of a Madrid hospital a few days ago because he had been infected with the corona virus.