Dies geht aus einem internen "C-Bericht" von Mittwoch des Wirtschaftsministeriums (BMWi) hervor, der dem Tagesspiegel vorliegt. Darin heißt es, das Bundesfinanzministerium "hat als makroökonomische Grundlage für den Nachtragshaushalt einen realen BIP-Rückgang von minus sechs Prozent unterstellt". pm, ots
English version
According to an internal management report, the German government expects the economy to contract sharply this year as a result of the corona crisis and fears the closure of all airports, including for freight traffic. This is the result of an internal "C report" of Wednesday by the Ministry of Economics (BMWi), which is available to the Tagesspiegel. The report states that the Federal Ministry of Finance "has assumed a real GDP decline of minus 6.0 percent as the macroeconomic basis for the supplementary budget". pm, ots, mei