Das erfuhr die Düsseldorfer "Rheinische Post" aus Fraktionskreisen. Den Angaben zufolge reagierte Kahrs damit auf die Entscheidung von Fraktionschef Rolf Mützenich sowie des Fraktionsvorstandes, die bisherige Fraktionsvizechefin Eva Högl für das Amt der Wehrbeauftragten zu nominieren. Der 56-jährige Kahrs hatte selbst Interesse an dem Amt bekundet, das derzeit noch der SPD-Politiker Hans-Peter Bartels innehat. Auch Bartels wollte das Amt weiter ausüben. Kahrs ist seit 1998 Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages. pm, ots
English version
Johannes Kahrs, Chief Budgetary Officer of the SPD parliamentary group, announced in the SPD parliamentary group meeting this Tuesday that he intends to resign his parliamentary mandate and all offices, for example as chairman of the budget committee and as speaker of the Seeheim district. This was reported to the "Rheinische Post" newspaper in Dusseldorf from faction circles. According to the newspaper, Kahrs was reacting to the decision of faction leader Rolf Mützenich as well as the faction's executive board to nominate the former faction vice chair Eva Högl for the office of the military commissioner. The 56-year-old Kahrs himself had expressed interest in the office, which is currently still held by SPD politician Hans-Peter Bartels. Bartels also wanted to continue in office. Kahrs has been a member of the German Bundestag since 1998. pm, ots, mei