In der Schlussphase sahen sogar bis zu 13,67 Millionen Fußball-Freunde den 1:0-Sieg des Teams aus Bayern. Das Spiel ist die bisher meistgesehene TV-Sendung des Jahres 2020.
Die Übertragung erzielte zudem die höchste Sehbeteiligung eines Champions-League-Finales seit 2013 (Dortmund - Bayern / 21,61 Millionen) im Fernsehen. ZDF-Sportchef Thomas Fuhrmann: "Das Finale war das Sportevent des Jahres. Wir freuen uns, dass knapp 13 Millionen Zuschauer dieses spannende Topspiel voller Dramatik und Klasse im ZDF miterlebt haben." pm, ots
English version
Yesterday's final of the 2019/2020 Champions League season, which took place on Sunday, had met with exceptionally high interest.
An average of 12.79 million ZDF viewers (39.9 percent market share) watched the high-class match between Paris Saint-Germain and FC Bayern Munich from 9 p.m. In the final phase, up to 13.67 million football fans watched the 1-0 victory of the team from Bavaria. The game is the most-watched TV show of 2020 to date.
The broadcast also achieved the highest viewing figures of a Champions League final since 2013 (Dortmund - Bavaria / 21.61 million) on television. ZDF Sports Director Thomas Fuhrmann: "The final was the sporting event of the year. We are delighted that almost 13 million viewers watched this exciting top match full of drama and class on ZDF". pm, ots, mei
Bildrechte: ZDF Fotograf: Nadine Rupp