Das sagte Daniel Terzenbach, Vorstandmitglied der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, dem Tagesspiegel . "Wir hätten mit die größte Arbeitslosigkeit der Nachkriegsgeschichte", so Terzenbach. "Zu Beginn der 2000er Jahre galt Deutschland als kranker Mann Europas. Da hatten wir in der Spitze knapp über fünf Millionen Arbeitslose. Ohne Kurzarbeit wären es jetzt mehr." pm, ots
English version
Without short-time work, another three million people would already have lost their jobs due to Corona. Daniel Terzenbach, a member of the board of the Federal Employment Agency, told the Tagesspiegel . "We would have some of the highest unemployment in post-war history," Terzenbach said. "At the beginning of the 2000s, Germany was considered the sick man of Europe. At its peak, we had just over five million unemployed. Without short-time work, there would be more now."
pm, ots, mei