Wie Untersuchungen, so Medienberichte, aus dem indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra gezeigt hätten, sei die neue Corona-Variante B1617 gefunden worden.
Anscheinend trage diese Corona-Form zwei Mutationen, E484Q und L452R, in sich. Beide Varianten seien schon getrennt voneinander in anderen Corona-Varianten gefunden worden. Beispielsweise in den britischen und südafrikanischen Varianten sowie in den sich schnell ausbreitenden Varianten aus Kalifornien. Jetzt seien die Mutationen zum erstmal gemeinsam der Variante B1617 entdeckt worden. Mittlerweile seien in Großbritannien 77 diese Corona-Variante nachgewiesen worden. mei
Foto: Symbolbild
English version
The rapid spread of the Corona virus in India, with a population of 1.4 billion, has often been highlighted in the international media recently. Currently, the Indian health authorities have recorded 200,000 infections within 24 hours.
The Corona variant B1617 is said to be responsible for the high number of infections. According to media reports, investigations in the Indian state of Maharashtra have shown that the new Corona variant B1617 has been found.
Apparently, this corona form carries two mutations, E484Q and L452R. Both variants have already been found separately in other corona variants. For example, in the British and South African variants as well as in the rapidly spreading variants from California. Now the mutations have been discovered together for the first time in the B1617 variant. In the meantime, 77 of these corona variants have been detected in Great Britain. mei